It’s hard to find someone who doesn’t adore dogs. And once we have one, we often want to expand our pack.
Dogs are wonderful pets that give you plenty of affection, leaving you wanting more. The problem is when one of your dogs becomes aggressive and begins attacking your other dogs.
It’s also possible that a newly arrived dog is having difficulty adjusting to a new home and begins attacking other dogs.
Understanding your dog as a dog parent is the only way to solve this problem.
In this blog post, I’ll discuss three magical ways to calm down your dog and train it to live in peace. Stay tuned for more details.
5 Reasons Why Your Dog Keeps Attacking Other Dogs For No Reason
1: You Have Introduced a New Dog
The first simple answer to your question is that you have a new dog in your family. If you live happily with your dog and then bring a new dog home, this can cause problems.
Our dogs regard us as family and the house as their domain. However, if we bring another pet into the home, the dog will feel an invasion of his personal space.
Some dogs are incredibly friendly and readily accept new family members. Some dogs, on the other hand, require time to adjust to sharing their space with the other dog.
Before you recognize it, your dog will be attacking the new pup. Furthermore, if the new dog responds aggressively, the situation will deteriorate even further.
2: Your Dog Has Never Lived With Another Pet
If you adopt a new dog to bring home, it may cause the dog you already have to become nervous, at least a first.
Shelter dogs can sometimes develop behavioral issues, such as fear and aggression.
They might not have been properly socialized in their previous home or may have experienced trauma. As a result, they’re antisocial and may not get along with other dogs.
If your new pup is not used to interacting with other dogs, he may attack them. You need to work on familiarizing your dog with his family members.
3: He is Aggressive
Your dog’s aggressive behavior is the third possible reason he attacks other dogs. Many dogs are extremely friendly. They enjoy interacting with others and playing.
Some dogs, on the other hand, are naturally aggressive. Humans have a wide range of personalities, and some are extremely rude to converse with.
If everything is fine, and you haven’t recently introduced your dog to a new pet, and he is still aggressive, your dog is most likely aggressive by nature.
He just doesn’t get along with the other dogs and is unable to make friends with them.
This further frustrates the dog, and just to get their attention, he might try to start fights with other dogs. By attacking and fighting with them, he still has an interaction with them.
4: You Are Giving More Attention To The Other Dog
Even if we try to love all of our pets equally, only one of them can be your favorite. Some dogs are unaffected by this; however, another dog may be more sensitive.
Dogs are emotionally sensitive, and they can pick up on their parents’ every move and tone. If you devote more time and attention to one dog, the other may become jealous.
He might even attack the other dog as a result of his jealousy. Another reason is that the dog needs your attention.
If you spend more time with other dogs and are unable to pay attention to this one, he will become more sensitive and, eventually, aggressive towards others.
This type of issue should be addressed as soon as possible. Because if one dog holds a grudge or resentment for another, it will be difficult to keep them all together.
5: They Had a Fight
So here is the final reason for your dog’s bad behavior.
If all of our dogs live happily together and one day you find one dog attacking the other, this is cause for concern as something out of the norm.
It’s upsetting to discover your dogs attacking each other. They won’t, however, attack each other randomly. There is always a reason for something, and in this case, they butted heads.
Your dogs may have started fighting over simple things like food or toys while you were away doing something else.
Sometimes it goes unnoticed, and dogs gradually develop aggression toward one another. When they hold grudges against one another, they become more aggressive and wild.
Then it becomes difficult and difficult to control your dogs when they’re constantly wanting to fight each other.
What You Can Do About It
1: Socialize and Familiarize Him
The first reason, which we discussed earlier, can be addressed by socializing your dog with other dogs.
First and foremost, if you have previously owned only one dog and are planning to get another, you should have a solid plan in place.
Your dog will develop a positive relationship with other dogs through fun activities. Then you can bring home your new dog. Don’t put all the dogs in one area at once for long periods.
Begin by allowing both dogs to play together and gradually introduce them. This will teach your dog that he has nothing to fear from the other dog.
You can always use this helpful strategy to keep the peace between different breeds of dogs. They shouldn’t become aggressive in this case.
2: Give Him Attention
This is the best solution to all of your dog’s problems. Your dog may need your attention for many reasons.
First, if he’s experiencing emotional or mental distress, he needs your support.
Otherwise, the dog will become aggressive to the point where you will be unable to handle his mood swings without professional help.
Then there’s the possibility that you’re spending more time with other dogs, and this one is suffering as a result. This could result in aggression toward other dogs.
Sometimes aggression can be attention-seeking behavior. If this is the matter, all you should do is give your dog some extra time.
Build a powerful connection with your dog, and you should notice a difference in his behavior. He’ll gradually become more relaxed and calm in his actions.
3: Train Him
When you don’t have any other options, I always recommend this one.
If you’ve given your dog extra time and love and you’ve noticed that his behavior hasn’t changed, go with this option.
There are professional trainers out there to teach your dog how to behave. The training could consist of several sessions lasting several weeks to months.
If your dog learns quickly, you can discontinue professional training and continue it on your own.
If you notice slow improvement, you should consider a long-term training program to completely change your dog’s behavior.
Because if you panic or become harsh with your dog, it may have a negative impact on the training. As a result, remain calm, provide support for your dog, and assist him in improving.
When you have a dog, it’s impossible not to worry. We frequently find ourselves in a variety of situations as a result of our beloved pets.
You must be cautious if your dog attacks another dog in your family. They, like humans, can get into fights. However, understanding the reason for any change in behavior is critical.
Don’t ignore this; instead, try to help your dog in overcoming this issue. Finally, you can solve this problem by hiring a professional trainer.