Why Are My Dogs Ears Cold?

Dogs’ ears are one of the most common ways in which they can express themselves emotionally. It is only when they become excited that their ears pop up. 

Their ears, on the other hand, drop when they are sad or tired. 

Dog ears can also be used to determine whether or not your dog is feeling well, and one method of determining this is to feel the temperature of the dog’s ears themselves. 

Sometimes having cold ears isn’t a cause for concern. There are, however, instances in which you should be concerned about something. 

Today, we’ll go over five reasons why your dog’s ears might be cold, as well as what you can do to improve the situation when action is recommended.


5 Reasons Your Dog’s Ears are Cold

1: Their Naturally Healthy Temps

If your dog’s ears are cold, it is possible that this is due to the fact that your dog is healthy. In fact, a dog’s paws are often cold as well.

The cartilage in the ears contributes to their shape. 

Cartilage has the ability to change temperature quickly and does not need to be the same temperature as your dog’s primary body temperature to be effective. 

A dog’s ears can be significantly cooler than its actual body temperature while still being an incredibly healthy canine.

2: It’s in a Cool Area

As previously stated, cartilage is used to construct the ears. 

Because it is extremely adaptable to temperature changes, it should come as no surprise that it can feel cool to the touch in cool environments. 

This is not something to be worried about. If your dog is out in the snow, it could suffer from frostbite. 

Because their ears have evolved over time to withstand the coldest temperatures, this is an extremely rare occurrence in their lives.

3: Lack of Blood Supply

Dogs can suffer from a lack of blood supply to their ears on a rare occasion, resulting in them being unable to maintain proper body temperatures. 

This is most likely due to a blood clot or some type of infection close to the ear, which restricts blood flow to the area. 

But this is unlikely to occur because the infection is more likely to cause the area to become warm in the first place. Yet, it is not completely out of the realm of possibility.

Lack of blood supply can happen for a variety of reasons, from constriction of vessels due to autoimmune problems, nervous system disorders, and more. 

4: Heart Issues

The extremities may suffer greatly from a lack of blood supply and oxygen if the heart cannot pump blood properly. 

As a result, cool and even blue hues may appear on the paws, ears, and legs, among other things. 

If you have any basis to think that this is the case, it is critical that you bring your dog to the vet as soon as possible. 

If your dog’s cold ears are caused by a heart condition, it may be possible to treat them with medication. 

It is critical that you play your cards correctly and contact your veterinarian, especially if your dog’s ears remain cool even after vigorous exercise.

5: Viral Infection

A slight drop in blood pressure may be caused by some viral infections. 

This allows the body to make better use of its blood supply and its proper cells to fight off the virus in areas where the virus is concentrated. 

If your dog is suffering from a cold, this could very well be the source of the problem. When a dog has a pesky cold, it is common to improve after the cold has passed. 

Make sure your dog has a comfortable and quiet place to sleep so that he can get plenty of rest and recuperate during the colder months of the year.

How You Can Help

1: Check His Ears

The first and most essential thing to do is check your dog’s ears for any signs of infection or discoloration. 

If you check the ears of a dog who has an ear infection, he or she will most likely show signs of discomfort. 

If you notice blueness, redness, or extreme paleness within the ear, it could signify a circulatory problem. 

However, extreme caution should be exercised when inspecting the inside of the ear to avoid experiencing extreme pain.

2: Provide A Cool Area

Dogs suffering from a viral infection must be kept in a safe and comfortable environment that is dark and darkens the environment around them. 

Because a viral infection cannot be treated with antibiotics, you may be making the best decision if a veterinarian recommends that you wait it out. 

Because of this, dogs can recover entirely from a viral infection in an overwhelming majority of cases.

Unlike humans, medicine isn’t usually prescribed to dogs with colds. This is, however, better answered by your vet. In some rare cases, medicine is needed to control certain viral infections. 

3: Contact Your Vet

If your dog’s ears are cold, he may have a circulation problem even after vigorous exercise, which is when you’d expect its ears to feel warm. 

No matter what the situation is, contacting your veterinarian is an essential part of keeping your dog safe and healthy. 

Veterinarians spend several years training and are trained to recognize a specific illness from a mile away, even if the symptoms are barely discernible.


A dog’s ear may feel cold to the touch when it has been exposed to cold temperatures for an extended period. 

If your dog’s ears remain cold even after vigorous exercise or in hot weather, it may be a sign of a heart condition. 

In addition, keep an eye on your dog and look for any signs of ear infection or discomfort. 

If you’re still not sure what’s going on, contact your veterinarian and explain each symptom to him to ensure that your dogs receive the care they require.

Written by Brian Rucker

Brian Rucker has been a dog lover since childhood. He has had his Lab Mix with Hound for over 10+ years now! They enjoy playing outdoors together. Brian loves sharing his knowledge about all things dog on this website. Read more of Brian's articles.