My Dog Was Stung By a Bee on The Paw and is Limping

Bee stings are unpleasant to experience, and they are made even worse for dogs because they are more challenging to treat.

Fortunately, the majority of the time, dogs recover completely in just one week. However, depending on where the bee stung them, the outcome may differ. 

It’s possible for dogs who have been stung on their paws to have a prolonged healing time and to suffer from severe pain as well. 

Unlike having their head or back stung, having a paw stung requires the dog to walk on it, unlike other parts of the body. 

Pain and distress can be remarkably uncomfortable as a result of this. We’ll go over several points that can aid your dog in healing, as well as some other topics. 

Bee stings may also be the reason why your dog is scared of being inside of your house.


Bee Sting on Paw – What You Can do To Help

1: Wrap it Up

The first step is to wrap it in medical fabric to protect it from further damage. It’s critical, however, that the cloth does not come into contact with the stung area. 

This is due to the possibility that the bee’s stinger is still embedded in the skin. Instead, ensure that the wrap is elevated above the area where the stinger is situated. 

There are no straightforward instructions for this, but it’s not overly difficult to figure out. 

By doing so, you can prevent the stinger from becoming agitated and releasing even more venom into the environment. 

In some cases, scraping the stinger will remove it, but this may cause more harm than good in the long run. Never squeeze a stinger because doing so can cause more venom to be released.

2: Utilize Ointment

For dogs experiencing pain or discomfort in an agitated or red area, an ointment may be beneficial in alleviating the discomfort and pain they are experiencing. 

Instead of using Neosporin, take your dog to a pet store or the vet to get some ointment specifically designed for dogs. 

Some ointments for humans can be toxic to dogs and vice versa. 

Because it’s on the paw, you may need to keep an eye on your dog for a while after applying the ointment to ensure it doesn’t walk around. 

If it’s possible, you can also apply a bandage to the wound to protect it.

3: Remove The Stinger

Removing the stinger will take a great deal of patience, and you should proceed with extreme caution. Stingers can continue to release venom if they are left in the body. 

This is especially true if the object is lodged in the bottom of the dog’s paw. A stinger can release even more venom when squeezed or pushed on, resulting in even more pain. 

To remove the stinger, scrape it gently with your fingernail or a safe instrument rather than pinching it with your fingers as you would typically do. 

It’s best to exercise caution in this situation because your dog may react instinctively. Your dog will feel significantly better immediately after the stinger has been removed. 

However, it can’t be reiterated enough that you must not pinch the stinger.

4: Make Your Dog Rest

Periodic rest is sometimes the most effective medicine available. 

Because our immune systems function best when we are resting, it’s possible that resting will be exactly what your dog needs to feel better. 

If your dog is limping, this may be partially the cause of the problem. 

Limping is a clear indication that your dog’s paws are in pain, and the best thing to do in this situation is to put your dog down to rest for several hours. 

Increased inflammation will occur with each step your dog takes on the affected area. To counteract this, make sure your dog is resting most of the time until the sting has healed.

5: Watch For Allergies

My dog has been stung by bees a couple of times in the past. He was unlucky enough to experience an allergic reaction due to the sting on one of those occasions. 

His cheeks swelled up to the point where his eyes were almost completely closed. More severe complications such as throat swelling and other issues could arise due to this. 

This is why it’s critical to keep a close eye on your dog, especially during the first few hours after an allergic reaction occurs. 

This is because an allergic reaction can quickly escalate into a life-threatening situation.

3 More Tips To Ease Discomfort

1: Medications

First and foremost, consult with your vet before offering any medication. 

Benadryl can be used in dogs to reduce the inflammation caused by a bee sting and combat allergy symptoms. 

The dosage, on the other hand, can vary significantly depending on how much the dog weighs. The correct dosage for a 150-pound dog can be lethal to a 15-pound dog. 

So, no matter how much you believe you know about administering Benadryl, you must consult with a veterinarian, even if it is a random vet’s office.

2: Ice

Ice is the most effective natural anti-inflammatory treatment. The dilation of blood vessels primarily characterizes inflammation. 

Ice causes blood vessels to constrict, which aids in the reduction of inflammation. 

Immediately apply a small ice bag to the area where your dog has been stung if the pup is in pain or extreme discomfort. 

This will aid in relieving the discomfort and may even support the healing of the wound more swiftly than would contrarily be the case. 

Remember to use a washcloth or something similar to place between the ice to prevent burns.

3: Vet

Lastly, the vet can help your dog get better. Vets can give certain shots that can combat the result of certain stings. However, this may not always be needed. 

Despite this, vets will be able to remove the stinger, which you may not be able to see with a naked eye. 

With that said, no matter the cost, if your dog is experiencing any difficulty breathing, is acting lethargic, or is acting out of the ordinary, then bring him to the vet immediately.


I’ve experienced firsthand how frightening it can be for a dog to get stung by a bee. It can be excruciating, but the majority of the time, it leads to a complete recovery. 

The presence of severe complications such as hives, breathing difficulties, and other symptoms are rare with bee stings. 

If you are unsure of what steps should be taken, always consult with your veterinarian.

Written by Brian Rucker

Brian Rucker has been a dog lover since childhood. He has had his Lab Mix with Hound for over 10+ years now! They enjoy playing outdoors together. Brian loves sharing his knowledge about all things dog on this website. Read more of Brian's articles.